
Interested in cultural heritage, its protection and preservation? Read our news, subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on social media and discover something new.

Church of the Three Kings in Brunk, detail of a polychrome wooden coat of arms from the 16th century
23. 7. 2024

International conference on the restoration of polychromed wooden sculpture

19. 7. 2024

Karst fire July 2024

17. 7. 2024

Radlje ob Dravi - installation of the restored mighty stone pillar, capitol, stone grills and five statues

17. 7. 2024

A visit from the Xi'an Qujiang Museum of Fine Arts in China

16. 7. 2024

Visit of the Minister Dr Astra Vrečko to the Restoration Centre

5. 7. 2024

ZVKDS: Štukmarmor

14. 6. 2024

How is cultural heritage integrated into regional development? CHARTER Alliance publishes findings from its six regional case studies

11. 6. 2024

ZVKDS: Zgrafito from the former Machine-Building Factory in Trbovlje

11. 6. 2024

PAJETA: Coexistence in the Balance of the Sečovlje Salt Pans

Portraits of the Bishops of Koper
7. 6. 2024

Opening of the exhibition - Portraits of the Bishops of Koper

Restoration of the Rotunda of the Assumption, Koper
4. 6. 2024

The Rotunda of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, reputedly the oldest building in Koper, is restored

28. 5. 2024

Opening of the RevitLab experimental laboratories exhibition!

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