Kostanjevica na Krasu
We invite you to the presentation of the proposal to declare the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica a monument of national importance.

Invitation to a presentation of the proposal.

Dear Sir or Madam!
We invite you to the presentation of the proposal to declare the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica a monument of national importance.
The presentation will take place in the hall of the Franciscan Monastery in Kostanjevica, Škrabčeva ulica 1, on 20 May 2024 at 17:00.

On the site of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica in Nova Gorica, there are four immovable cultural heritage units registered in the Register of Immovable Cultural Heritage: the Franciscan Monastery, the Church of the Annunciation of the Lord to the Virgin Mary at Kostanjevica, the Bourbons' Tomb and the Škrabč Library. All of the above-mentioned sites have been declared monuments of local importance by the Decree on the Proclamation of Cultural and Historical Monuments and Natural Sites in the Territory of the Municipality of Nova Gorica (Official Gazette (Gorica), No 8/85-275).

Following the expert evaluation, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Regional Unit Nova Gorica, prepared a proposal for the declaration of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica as a monument of national importance. The inventory book of movable property was prepared by the Gorizia Museum in cooperation with the IPCHS



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