Invitation to the opening of the exhibition

Architectural heritage through the lens of Nace Šumi and today

In the year of the 100th anniversary of his birth, the rich photographic archive of Nace Šumi stimulated the idea to review the state of the architectural heritage at the Kranj Branch of the IPCHS.

Selected archive images, made from black and white 6×6 negatives, are shown in the company of cut-outs from digital records made this year. The changing heritage over a period of fifty years is thus shown through an elegant and precise record. Each heritage has its own story, which is preserved for posterity through photographic documentation.


Organiser of the exhibition:

Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia Regional Unit Kranj,

in cooperation with IPCHS, Regional Unit Ljubljana,

and the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

The exhibition is part of the research project National Self-Awareness and Transnational Scholarship: the Impact of National Discourses on the Study of Medieval and Early Modern Art in Slovenia (J6-9387) and in collaboration with the programme group Slovenian Art and the Art of Central Europe and the Adriatic (P6-0199), which is co-financed by the state budget of the Slovenian Republic of Slovenia. Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia.




Relevant information for owners gathered in one place.

Roman oenoma with a depiction of a gladiator, 1st century AD (photo: Tilen Kozamernik).
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